On a springtime day

I've said it before; I'll say it again. It's so easy to become numbed to the complex beauty that surrounds you. Visitors look around, wide-eyed in amazement at the lush forest, the many trees laden with fruit, the flowers, some peeking forth from between leaves, shy to the world, others reaching out in glory and... Continue Reading →

To wander…or not.

What is this great epidemic of wanderlust? From whence did it come? In our era of mass globalization, are we each that desperate to find something a little different, to find ourselves, apart from the portrayed homogeny of our own societies? We are taught oneness, unity, amicability…but are we taught to see ourselves, to see... Continue Reading →

The baker, the builder…

Has the world sped up this year? Is it orbiting faster, ready to spin off into another universe entirely? I've no other explanation for it already being the end of January. Mosquitoes are hounding me as I try to clatter out a blog post in the wee hours of the morning before everyone (by whom... Continue Reading →


There is so much to tell already, in this exciting New Year! I've been most remiss in writing, caught up as I have been in a literal whirlwind of ideas, plans, and changes. Some of you already know that a few weeks ago I took the "leap" and made the decision to focus full time... Continue Reading →

To rest, and to be

Have we lost the concept of "rest" in modern (Western) society? Have we, as a people, lost sight of the importance of giving our bodies and minds the time they need to heal, to process: to sleep? Is it not ingrained in our culture that we must do, must think, must act in every waking... Continue Reading →

Tiny Places: with a little bit of magic

It's the time of year of reflections, reminiscing, and embarrassing childhood stories coming out at the worst possible moments...   s/v Ushuaia, "home" for some 11 years of my life; a somewhat tiny space. In my family, however, this has always been the start of a month-or-so long "mid-winter food festival", only slightly shadowed by... Continue Reading →

Living: in a tiny house

They'll tell you it's a love-it or hate-it lifestyle. That tiny houses are cheap. That tiny houses are expensive. That no-one can live in one without going crazy. That everyone will be living in them soon. That it's the green way to go. That it's a ridiculous concept and we should all build (and live... Continue Reading →

A Human Problem

Perhaps the following is not what you came to my blog to read, but in light of the past week's global events I cannot bring myself to banter on light-heartedly about tasty food and trivial challenges. Entrenched in the weeks between Veterans Day - a recognition of those who have fought for the U.S. -... Continue Reading →

Marmalade Monday

Sometimes, in my life, a Monday is a Sunday. That's not to say I don't do anything; just my time is my own, and that's a really great feeling. After a morning rain prevented any potential roof-painting, I've settled into marmalade making. A handful of the half-grown chickens are wandering around "trimming" grass and de-bugging... Continue Reading →

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